On the 27th of August 2021, Wealth Management System Limited (WMSL) has been appraised at CMMI Level 5 for Service (CMMI-SVC) and CMMI Level 3 for Development (CMMI-DEV) based on the latest CMMI version 2.0 Model. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) global best practices provide organizations with essential elements of effective processes that ultimately improve their performance.
The appraisal was performed by GPI (Global Process Innovations) Asia, a globally known professional consulting firm that helps clients improve their processes in software development and software services according to the CMMI Framework. The said firm also appraised WMSL in 2015 and made WMSL the first Thai Company to have been appraised simultaneously at CMMI-DEV Level 5 and CMMI-SVC Level 3 per v1.3 benchmark.

CMMI-DEV Level 5 & CMMI-SVC Level 3 appraisal per v1.3 benchmark in 2015
The latest appraisal was based on CMMI v2.0, defined to highlight critical capabilities common within companies, with an attention to performance practices and a focus on process improvement through repeatability and practice. Focusing on best practices, CMMI-DEV V2.0 improves an organization’s capability to develop quality products and services that meet the needs of customers and end-users, improves time to market, improves product quality, lowers costs, improves planning, and budgeting. Whereas CMMI-SVC V2.0 supports the improvement of a company’s capability to efficiently and effectively deliver quality service that meets market needs, exceeds customer expectations, develops resiliency, prevents incidents, delivers service by established agreements, reduces costs, and increases quality.
Achieving this milestone establishes WMSL as having the essential elements of effective processes and best business practices in place to ultimately improve performance, as well as deliver quality service to its customers. Although WMSL has been appraised at CMMI-DEV Level 3 based on CMMI v2.0, its internal process still follows CMMI-DEV Level 5 per the v1.3 benchmark. This accomplishment made WMSL the first Thai company to achieve the highest World-Class Standard CMMI Maturity Level 5 for Development and Service.