October 21, 2009

WMSL Joined Intel Software Optimization Award Press Release

On the 14th of October 2009, the press release of the Intel Software Optimization Award was held at the Software Park Thailand Building. Mrs. Suwipa Wanasathop, Director of Software Park Thailand, presides over the said press release. The said event is the first program launched by Intel in the Asia Pacific.

WMSL was also invited to be one of the Success Story Presenters. The company was represented by its Executive Director of the Development Division, Mr. Jirakorn Kiatinamarod. Mr. Jirakorn delivered a presentation to the press about Intel and WMSL Software Optimization Success Story together with Mr. Jirawit Maeprasart, Strategic Engagement Manager, ISV & Ecosystem Enabling Team of Intel Microelectronics Thailand.

July 2024

Who We Are

Wealth Management System Limited (WMSL) is a leading financial software company in Thailand. We provide reliable, trusted solutions to financial institutions in asset, treasury and risk management. With our innovative software systems and value added consulting services, we help our customers significantly improve their operational efficiency, reduce costs and minimize risks.

Contact Info

Chin Pong Building, 383 Ladya Road, Klongsan, Bangkok 10600 Thailand

Phone: +66(0) 2-861-4820 Ext. 5620-5622, 5628, 5629
Fax: +66 (0) 2-861-4400
Email: marketing@wealth.co.th

Weekdays: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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