October 16, 2020

SEC Approved WealthMagik as an Investment Advisor

On the 25th of September 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Thailand has approved WealthMagik Mutual Fund Brokerage Co., Ltd. to operate a financial securities business as an investment advisor. In line with this, the company launched its new Investment Advisory service to provide investors an effective advisory service backed by experts and powered by Bonanza system that managed more than 3.7 Trillion Baht of assets.


Investment Advisory Screens


The online service will be able to help any investors create investment plans that are suitable for their income and lifestyle, as well as provide the right investment advice by using data analytic and reviewed by financial experts. Investors also will be able to get an overview of their portfolio, see the overall profit and loss of their investment portfolio, track the progress of their investment towards their goal, always adjust the investment plan to suit the situation, and access to a monthly investment report. To know more about the Investment Advisory service, click here.


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December 2024

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Wealth Management System Limited (WMSL) is a leading financial software company in Thailand. We provide reliable, trusted solutions to financial institutions in asset, treasury and risk management. With our innovative software systems and value added consulting services, we help our customers significantly improve their operational efficiency, reduce costs and minimize risks.

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